
Propuesta de instrumento para determinar la calidad percibida por el usuario externo de un servicio de medicina nuclear


The quality of a nuclear medicine service involves much more than adequate safety and radiationl protection, quality control of the equipment or proper performance of procedures. Quality is also linked to the perception of the user receiving the service, a human being full of emotions, whose perspective must be included in the processes of continuous improvement. Quality management systems based on the standard ISO 9001: 2015, requires the customer focus as a primary principle. Likewise, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) through the QUANUM (Quality Management Audits in Nuclear Medicine Practices) developed by its experts, considers the importance of fulfilling this approach in nuclear medicine services. This article proposes a tool for gathering useful information in order to determine the quality perceived by the external user of a nuclear medicine service.

Keywords: perception of quality, nuclear medicine, external user.